Introduction to R


This repository has teaching materials for a hands-on Introduction to R. Here we are covering the basics of R and RStudio. R is a simple programming environment that enables the effective handling of data, while providing excellent graphical support. RStudio is a tool that provides a user-friendly environment for working with R.

These materials are intended to provide both basic R programming knowledge and its application for increasing efficiency for data analysis.

Learning Objectives

  1. R syntax: Understand the different 'parts of speech'.
  2. Data types structures in R: Describe the various data types and data structures.
  3. Data inspection and wrangling: Demonstrate the utilization of functions and indices to inspect and subset data from various data structures.
  4. Visualizing data: Demonstrate the use of the ggplot2 package to create plots for easy data visualization.


Click here for links to lessons

Installation Requirements

Download the most recent versions of R and RStudio for the appropriate OS using the links below:


All the files used for the above lessons are linked within, but can also be accessed here.